Because we meet the bare minimum qualifications to be considered "writers".

Bios are impossible, the same way that finding a picture where I look decent is impossible. Luckily this isn't Tinder. Currently a 1L at University of Iowa College of Law. I alternate between taking myself too seriously and not seriously at all. If anything I write is not about how good LeBron James is at basketball, then I'm truly broadening my horizons.
Twitter: @jarredstindt

I realized I looked way to professional for the contents of this blog, hence the goofy thumbs-up on an Irish cliff. I'm the resident Kansas political gossip columnist, and I'll let you know if I find something other than that or K-State football to write about. Academic Advisor at Purdue. Married to a Hoosier babe and fur papa of Simon K. Doggerton IV. Brewer of beer, worker of woods, luster of wunder, binger of Friends/The Office.
Twitter: @KrotzOfKansas

Kyle is a Ph.D. student in the Public Policy Department at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, where he studies the economics of education. More importantly, Kyle has a dog of unknown ethnicity named Ozzie and has a penchant for having one too many IPA's at happy hour. An obnoxious Kansan, one can find Kyle cheering on his beloved Jayhawks in any sport, including football. His other interests include wearing sweats to work and growling at undergraduates for not knowing the difference between affect and effect.