By Jarred Stindt, James Krotz, and Kyle Abbott
Mindless musings about sports and politics from three Kansas farm town ex-pats who are dumb enough to think you want to hear what we have to say.

Honestly, the three of us get bored arguing amongst ourselves in texts or Twitter, so we decided to do one of these blog things, which will essentially be an online diary for us. If you're reading this, you're either our parents or someone who got tricked into clicking on the link. And if it's the latter, like, come on, be better than that.
If you're still here and looking for the answer to the above question, I have no idea man. All three of us have an interest and at least some experience in politics, so there is going to be some of that. At least 2 of us are big sports guys, so there will definitely be that stuff too, thus the name Game Theory. I don't know if its going to be serious or funny or a mix, I guess we'll just see what happens. Either way, if someone is reading this, we hope you like it, or at the very least don't hate it, and if you do, don't be afraid to pass it along to someone else.